Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm having a hard time! I'm getting to work at 6:30 and not leaving to 5:00. Then when I get home after I eat, I prepare for the next day. I'm hoping that this is just because I have to set up so much at the beginning of the year. I'm glad to have a three day weekend. I'm feeling stressed!!!! I also know that if I continue to do nothing but work--I will end up binging again out of frustration. I have a couple classes where the behavior is going to be challenging and I already am not being strict enough. I'm making the same mistakes I say every year I will change. I need to start praying about it. I also learned I am not getting paid until next Wednesday. Thank God my rent isn't taken out before then or I wouldn't have the money. I need to stay in the present and slow down. Breathe!

1 comment:

  1. Your last word said it all. Breathe. I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and that this week is easier for you.
